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What is bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis [commonly known as BV] the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age is an infection caused by an imbalance among the bacteria that live in your vagina. . Normally, "good" bacteria, called lactobacilli, are in the majority and keep other kinds of bacteria in check. You end up with BV when there are too few lactobacilli, which allow other bacteria to grow out of control. No one knows for sure what causes the balance of bacteria to change. About 1 in 5 women have this infection at some point during pregnancy, though estimates vary widely.

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How does having BV affect my pregnancy?

Having BV when you're pregnant may raise your risk for preterm labor and birth. Some studies have also linked the infection to a higher risk of miscarriage, preterm premature rupture of the amniotic membranes [pprom] and uterine infection after delivery.

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That said, many women with BV have perfectly normal pregnancies. Experts don't yet know why only some women with BV end up delivering prematurely. Some researchers think that BV may be just a sign of other infections or problems that lead to preterm birth. They do know that women who are diagnosed with BV early in pregnancy are at a significantly higher risk for problems than those who get the infection later in pregnancy.

Having BV also makes you more susceptible to certain sexually transmitted infections [STIs], such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV, if you're exposed to them.

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High blood pressure [hypertension] is diagnosed when a patient’s blood is pushing too hard against the walls of the arteries. High blood pressure is a dangerous condition that is linked to heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and other disorders.

Women Health Care: Men and women may share many of the same health problems, yet women react differently to those problems. Treatments and diagnosis for common ailments such as heart disease and cancer can be very different for men and women. In addition, there are many health problems that are more common in women such as osteoarthritis, migraines and depression. Other conditions, such as menopause, are exclusively women's health concerns..

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